Today, the White House issued an Executive Order committing the federal government to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2025. It seeks to achieve this ambitious goal by increasing use of clean energy — including combined heat and power and waste heat...
News and Events
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance is active at both the state and federal level. We often submit public comments, letters to state and federal lawmakers, provide Congressional testimony and comment on draft legislation. Below is a selection of our latest news and updates. Please visit the Resources page for access to more Alliance materials.
Alliance Submits Comments to Connecticut DEEP Urging More Generous Incentives for CHP
The Alliance submitted comments to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) on the agency’s draft Integrated Resource Plan. Our comments commend DEEP for recognizing the economic, reliability and environmental benefits of CHP and for...
Alliance Highlights Role of CHP/WHP in Reducing GHG for EPA
The Alliance for Industrial Efficiency submitted detailed feedback to EPA on the design of a program to reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants. Our letter highlights the key role that combined heat and power and waste heat to power can play in reducing...