NE Chapter
The NE Chapter is a coalition of manufacturers, system developers, engineering firms, and end-user representatives promoting an economic and regulatory environment that accelerates deployment of CHP systems in the Northeast that are highly efficient, provide economic, environmental, and reliability benefits, and enhance resiliency.
Who We Are
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance merged with the Northeast Clean Heat and Power Initiative (NECHPI) to form the Northeast Chapter of the Combined Heat and Power Alliance (NE Chapter).
The purpose of this merger is to consolidate efforts and resources to improve the effectiveness of the CHP industry’s advocacy in the Northeast market. The merger provides consistent messaging and a consolidated organization with the potential for bigger scope than the two existing organizations had separately. The NE Chapter will continue to be dedicated to accelerating the deployment of efficient CHP applications and focus its efforts in the Northeast CHP market through:
- Strong and consistent advocacy for smart and efficient CHP and distributed energy resources policy, regulation, and legislation;
- Conferences, virtual events and newsletters that keep our members informed and bring together top members of the CHP community from all sectors: developers, utilities, government agencies, and NGOs;
- Raising awareness inside and outside the CHP community about the benefits of clean heat and power technologies and CHP’s role in the pathway to zero carbon.
The NE Chapter territory covers: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhodes Island, and Vermont.
The NE Chapter is managed by its Steering Committee and staffed by David Gardiner and Associates and its members. Learn more about our leadership below.

Membership Prospectus

Diane Molokotos
NE Chapter President

Tom Bourgeois
NE Chapter Co-Chair

Johnathan Coleman
NE Chapter Steering Committee Member