Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the final rule for existing power plants in its Clean Power Plan. This regulation sets ambitious carbon emission limits and gives states flexibility to determine how to achieve them including the use of...
News and Events
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance is active at both the state and federal level. We often submit public comments, letters to state and federal lawmakers, provide Congressional testimony and comment on draft legislation. Below is a selection of our latest news and updates. Please visit the Resources page for access to more Alliance materials.
Alliance Files Comments with Colorado PUC on Proposed Standby Rates
The Alliance filed comments with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission today highlighting the aspects of a proposed standby rate for a recycled energy program that would significantly impact WHP facilities in the state. Poorly formed standby rates can be a...
Alliance Letter to Arizona Corporation Commission Urges Clear and Up-to-Date Interconnection Standards
Clear, fair, and standardized interconnection procedures are a crucial regulatory signal that has a significant impact on clean energy investment, like CHP. The Alliance for Industrial Efficiency submitted public comments to the Arizona Corporation Commission...