On Thursday, January 14th, the Combined Heat and Power Alliance, along with 24 other businesses, trade associations, and nonprofit organizations with either a direct presence or interest in Pennsylvania, sent in a set of comments to the Pennsylvania Department of...
Coalition Letter in Support of Strong RGGI Program to Grow Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Pennsylvania
A coalition of Pennsylvania businesses, business associations, and nonprofit organizations sent a letter encouraging the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy with proceeds from the Regional...
Business Coalition Letter of Support for Act 129 Programs to Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
On May 11, 17 manufacturers, trade associations, large energy consumers, and service providers with a significant presence and investment interests in Pennsylvania sent a letter urging the PA PUC to support the successful Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C)...
Coalition Letter in Support of ENERGY STAR Funding for FY2021
On March 20, the Combined Heat and Power Alliance signed onto a letter with 45 other businesses and organizations, asking the Senate Appropriations Committee for a total of $60 million in FY 2021 for the Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program. This...
Coalition Letter Asking Congress to Support Robust Funding for Energy Innovation at Department of Energy
On March 17, the Combined Heat and Power Alliance signed onto a coalition letter with 56 other organizations, asking for continued, robust funding for the resources needed for vital research, development, demonstration, and commercial deployment activities across all...
Joint Comments to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
On February 21, the CHP Alliance signed onto joint comments with the Midwest Cogeneration Association and Heat is Power Association, in response to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s (IURC) request for feedback on the HEA 1278 Energy Study methodologies. The...