Alliance for Industrial Efficiency 2016 Accomplishments

The Alliance has made tremendous progress in 2016 advancing policies that support combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP) on Capitol Hill, with the Administration, and in state and utility proceedings across the country. Review a list of our...

Alliance Sends Letter to Ohio Gov. Kasich About SB 320 and HB 554

The Alliance for Industrial Efficiency sent a letter to Ohio Governor Kasich and key members of the state legislature in opposition to proposals in Senate Bill 320 and House Bill 554 that would expand the industrial opt-out to include all “mercantile” customers and...

Presentation: Ohio Coalition for Combined Heat and Power Webinar

On Wednesday, November 30, Jennifer Kefer presented for an Ohio Coalition for Combined Heat and Power webinar:  With So Much CHP Potential, What is Ohio Waiting For? Identifying Barriers and Opportunities for Ohio to Advance Cogeneration Technologies  "Though Ohio has...