By Bradford Weir, intern, in collaboration with Jennifer Kefer, Vice President of David Gardiner and Associates and Executive Director of the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency On May 23rd, the Trump administration released its revised budget for fiscal year 2018,...
News and Events
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance is active at both the state and federal level. We often submit public comments, letters to state and federal lawmakers, provide Congressional testimony and comment on draft legislation. Below is a selection of our latest news and updates. Please visit the Resources page for access to more Alliance materials.
Businesses Speak out Against Proposed Energy Efficiency Budget Cuts
By Jennifer Kefer, Vice President of David Gardiner and Associates and Executive Director of the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency. This article originally appeared in Breaking Energy. The President’s budget template, which slashes the Environmental Protection Agency...
Companies Push for Fair Energy Rates in Michigan, Minnesota
By Jennifer Kefer, Vice President of David Gardiner and Associates and Executive Director of the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency – this article originally appeared in Breaking Energy. When a factory is more energy efficient, owners spend less money on heat and...