By embracing industrial efficiency as a compliance option, the Clean Power Plan will make manufacturers more competitive; create new jobs; make our electric system more reliable; and cut electricity bills for homeowners, businesses, and factories.
CHP and WHP Standby Rates and Best Practices
Utilities often charge standby rates to facilities using CHP and WHP to cover the risk of grid power being needed unexpectedly. These rates are often unreasonably high and act as a deterrent to installing CHP and WHP systems. These fees are most commonly calculated on...
Representative US CHP and WHP System Vendors and Developers
This concise list highlights some of the major US and state combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP) system vendors, developers, parts manufacturers, and construction firms.
Presentation: CHP in the Clean Power Plan
This helpful resource, prepared for the American Chemistry Council, highlights the role of CHP in the final rule and lays out ways that CHP can help states meet emissions targets.
Alliance Briefing Packet for States on Industrial Energy Efficiency and the Clean Power Plan
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed that states can use industrial efficiency as one way to meet their emission’s targets under the Clean Power Plan. Energy efficiency will be the cornerstone of a least-cost compliance strategy. Industrial...