The Alliance for Industrial Efficiency, along with nine other national organizations and major companies, wrote a letter laying out an agenda for the new administration to increase deployment of combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP). Signatories...
Alliance for Industrial Efficiency 2016 Accomplishments
The Alliance has made tremendous progress in 2016 advancing policies that support combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP) on Capitol Hill, with the Administration, and in state and utility proceedings across the country. Review a list of our...
Compendium of CEIP Comments Related to CHP
More than 25 different organizations addressed combined heat and power (CHP) and/or waste heat to power (WHP) in their comments on the proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) design details. The remarks from this diverse group of state agencies, public utility...
Alliance Files Comments with U.S. EPA on Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) Eligibility Requirements
The Alliance filed comments with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommending that CHP projects in low-income communities be eligible for participation in the Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP). The CEIP is an “early action program” that will award...
Alliance Comments on EPA’s Clean Air Act Rules and Proceedings
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said it is committed to using energy efficiency to help reduce emissions. A number of Clean Air Act rulemakings provide a valuable tool for advancing industrial energy efficiency through Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and...
Alliance Submits Comments to EPA in Regard to Model Trading Rule and Federal Plan
The Alliance submitted comments to the EPA offering recommendations to improve the treatment of CHP, WHP and Industrial Efficiency in the Model Trading Rule and Federal Plan. While EPA clearly recognizes CHP and WHP’s emissions benefits and potential inclusion in a...