External Resources
Various external resources that may be useful to those interested in learning more about CHP and its applications.

EPA CHP Energy and Emissions Savings Calculator
This Excel-based tool calculates and compares the estimated fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions of a CHP system and comparable separate heat and power system. The calculator uses fuel-specific emissions factors developed by EPA and grid emissions factors and region-specific transmission and distribution loss data from the Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID).

NREL REopt™ Lite Tool
The REopt™ Lite Tool allows users to evaluate the economic viability of various distributed energy resources, include CHP; identify system sizes and dispatch strategies to minimize energy costs; and estimate how long a system can sustain critical load during a grid outage.

CHP and Microgrid Installations Database
The CHP Installation Database is a data collection effort that contains a comprehensive listing of operational combined heat and power installations throughout the U.S.
The Microgrid Database is a data collection effort that contains a comprehensive listing of operational microgrid installations throughout the U.S.

CHP Project Profiles
This database includes more than 200 CHP Project Profiles compiled by DOE’s CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs). The projects can be searched by a variety of characteristics.

U.S. Department of Energy CHP eCatalog
The Packaged Combined Heat and Power Catalog (eCatalog) is a voluntary public/private partnership designed to increase deployment of CHP in commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings and manufacturing plants. The eCatalog is a web-based system that hosts U.S. DOE-recognized Packaged CHP systems that include select features designed to reduce economic and performance risk for the CHP user. The eCatalog focuses on Packaged CHP systems that are less than 10 MW in individual prime-mover capacity. The eCatalog is routinely updated to add additional Packages, Packagers, Solution Providers and Customer Engagement Partners and to allow existing eCatalog stakeholders to update their offerings.