On February 29, the CHP Alliance hosted a webinar on funding opportunities for combined heat and power projects!
There are a variety of ways — from grants to tax credits — that federal programs can help accelerate the deployment of highly efficient and reliable CHP systems. During the webinar, our panelists discussed this landscape of opportunities in order to help project developers, CHP manufactures, end-use customers, and others understand how they can take advantage. Topics included:
— Grants from DOE’s Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains which can, for example, fund upgrades to facilities that have gone through assessments with DOE’s Onsite Energy TAPs.
— The safe harbor deadline for the investment tax credit (ITC), which allow project sponsors to benefit from existing credits if they deploy 5% of costs this year.
You can view slides from each speaker below:
- Kelly Visctoni — Acting Deputy Director, Facilities and Workforce, DOE Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains
- CONTACT: kelly.visconti@hq.doe.gov
- Sophie Chase — Chemical Engineer, American Ag Energy
- CONTACT: chase@americanagenergy.com
- Emily Robertson — Business Development Lead for Microgrids, Renew Energy Partners
- CONTACT: erobertson@renewep.com
Written answers to some of the audience questions submitted during the webinar are available here.
You can view a recording of the webinar below or by clicking here.