Washington, D.C. (February 28, 2022)— Today, the CHP Alliance submitted a response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office’s Request for Information, providing information about how CHP technologies, especially those utilizing renewable and...
News and Events
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance is active at both the state and federal level. We often submit public comments, letters to state and federal lawmakers, provide Congressional testimony and comment on draft legislation. Below is a selection of our latest news and updates. Please visit the Resources page for access to more Alliance materials.
Four Dozen Ohio Businesses Call for Repeal of House Bill 6
On August 5, nearly 50 businesses, investors, trade associations, and environmental organizations with a presence in Ohio sent a letter to Governor Mike DeWine and members of the Ohio legislature calling for the immediate repeal of House Bill 6 and urging lawmakers to...
CHP Alliance Supports Maryland's CARES Bill
On March 13, the Combined Heat and Power Alliance wrote letters to the Maryland House Economic Matters Committee and Senate Finance Committee expressing the Alliance’s support for Governor Hogan’s Clean and Renewable Energy Standard (CARES). This legislation would...