The Combined Heat and Power Alliance is active at both the state and federal level. We often submit public comments, letters to state and federal lawmakers, provide Congressional testimony and comment on draft legislation. Below is a selection of our latest news and updates. Please visit the Resources page for access to more Alliance materials.

Alliance and Efficiency Advocates Hosting Capitol Hill Briefing on POWER Act

EPA Publishes Final CPP in Federal Register

The U.S. EPA published the final Clean Power Plan rule today in the Federal Register. "The Alliance for Industrial Efficiency is pleased that the EPA heard our industry’s comments and is encouraging industrial efficiency as a compliance option” said Jennifer Kefer,...

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Alliance and Efficiency Advocates Hosting Capitol Hill Briefing on POWER Act

Alliance Endorses DODESA

Today, the Alliance endorsed portions of the Department of Defense Energy Security Act of 2015 (DODESA) that will encourage deployment of combined heat and power and waste heat to power on military property. In particular, Section Eight of the Act requires military...

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